In contrast to the more grim affairs of Thor and Capts, I really liked the fun vibe they brought on to this space opera epic. I can't remember the last time I watched a space/sci-fi flick that wasn't all dark and gloomy.
Marvel is a lot better in incorporating humour in films than their DC and Fox counterparts, but sometimes it does seem as if they try too hard. For Guardians though, it didn't seem forced and out of place. In fact, it was genuinely funny. It was almost like they were making fun of other superhero movies for being overly serious.
They took situations where you're supposed to have an intense cliche moment, and just totally break the tension by doing something unexpected and hilarious. Star-Lord trying to distract Ronan at a climactic scene by dancing, pretty much sealed the deal for me.
From the moment Chris Pratt was casted as Star-Lord, I knew this movie was going to be full of humour and wit. If they wanted to make a more serious movie, they could have easily casted someone more bad-ass looking. I even had fears that I wouldn't be able to take the character seriously (because I've gotten familiar with Pratt from Parks and Recreation where his character is a total retard), but Chris Pratt really pulls it off. He was funny, he was cool, and he wins you over by showing many times that his character is full of heart, honour and responsibility, despite what your first impression of him may have been.
Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket all had distinctive features about themselves, and I feel that they did well to establish these traits in such a short time. Batista should be relieved that he has a good showing here, after the mess that was The Man With The Iron Fist.
Rocket has got to be the most awesome character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) so far. He wasn't CGI. He was alive. They should start giving accolades to CGI characters and give the first one to Rocket.
I loved the retro feel of the movie, and the 70s soundtrack (listen to Awesome Mix Vol.1 here!) must have been a good throwback to the parents who watched the film, while their children watched in awe of CGI characters Groot and Rocket. Basically, Marvel made a film for everybody.
The only issue anybody probably has would be the villain. We have been spoiled with some really excellent villains in recent years: Heath Ledger as The Joker, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Tom Hardy as Bane, even the most recent Winter Soldier, all have set the bar really high for future thug wannabes. It's not fair to compare, but if we had a more daunting villain, we could have had a perfect movie. That said, Ronan wasn't a bad character, I just felt he wasn't given much.
The action scenes were good but perhaps not as slick as Avengers/Iron Man/Winter Solider. Just my preference. I was hoping they would make Drax do a Batista Bomb but unfortunately they did not go there. There's still plenty of action though, so no worries there.
It's really exciting to think about where Marvel is heading with all this. Who would be the ones to face Thanos at the end of it all? How will the Infinity Gems be gathered? Could an Avengers/Guardians crossover be possible? Personally, I don't think so. At least not at the full extent of it, cuz that would be too big a stunt to pull off.
It would be interesting though, to see Peter Quill reconnect with Earth and meet its mightiest heroes. Or, maybe Iron Man joining the Guardians, since he's already done that in the comics? There have been instances where The Hulk was shipped to outer space, but we'll see.
Is Guardians my favourite Marvel film so far? Maybe. Avengers HAD to be good while Guardians had every reason to pale in comparison, but it definitely did not. Amazing how in just one movie, I started to care about these characters more than I did for The Avengers (I care for Coulson, though) after multiple movies.
Whatever the case is, I just know, saving the galaxy has never been this fun. The Guardians have got me hooked on a feeling. 'Nuff said.

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